
It’s still near the beginning of my trip, and I have high hopes of being able to maintain this journal throughout the trip’s entirety. Mark Twain offered his two cents on this ambitious goal in his “The Innocents Abroad”:

At certain periods it becomes the dearest ambition of a man to keep a faithful record of his performances in a book; and he dashes at this work with an enthusiasm that imposes on him the notion that keeping a journal is the veriest pastime in the world, and the pleasantest. But if he only lives twenty-one days, he will find out that only those rare natures that are made up of pluck, endurance, devotion to duty for duty’s sake, and invincible determination may hope to venture upon so tremendous an enterprise as the keeping of a journal and not sustain a shameful defeat.

I am not sure how I will do at so tremendous an enterprise, but I figure even if there are gaps in this story, recording and sharing as much as I can seems worthwhile.

3 Replies to “Journaling”

  1. Andrew,
    I love Mark Twain quotes, and I love reading your daily entries. The photos along your way are wonderful.
    I enjoyed hearing your voice a few minutes ago. I hope your breakfast was delicious.

  2. Andrew, it sounds like you are having the time of your life. I envision myself in your shoes and can only imagine how difficult it can be not knowing what to expect as you scout these wonderful places. Your posts make me re-live your experiences. You already know my feelings about solo travel, but the hospitality of the cultures you are embraced by really change my opinion of this. Then again, I know that your wonderful personality greatly contributes to this.

    I agree with your parent’s response to this post; absolutely wonderful!. I too enjoy reading of your adventures-daily!
    I am always anxious to learn where you are and how you do.

    Thanks for keeping up with the blog. Take good care and also want you to know that we all miss you here!

    BTW-very nice photographs….can’t wait to see the rest of them.

    Warmest regards from home,


  3. Agreed with Twain, keeping a journal requires tremendous fortitude. But so far so good and I trust your determination will hold. I look forward to reading your future updates and am glad I could accompany you for a small leg of the trip.


    P.S. Brazil 2014, let’s make her happen.

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