My semi-rational fear of falling to my death when at great heights was on display during this zip lining, treetop bridge walking, and abseiling adventure. At no time was this fear higher than when we had to jump off a platform with the rope connected to a carabiner on our backs. Although only a short distance, the free fall period before feeling the harness catch me had my heart racing. That all said, looking down on the trees of the forest while zipping above let me see this piece of Thailand from new perspectives. The mix of having an adrenaline rush, seeing and hearing the gibbons, and appreciating the forest from a canopy level all made this a highlight.
2 Replies to “Flight of the Gibbon”
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Andrew – I love following your adventures! You are brave and fearless and I am enjoying reading about your journey! I was telling my mom about your blog and I am passing the link on to her, so I think that she will be reading too! Happy Travels! Love, Cousin Staci