Renting a car in a British-influenced country usually means that I will not be driving on the “right” side of the road. And to make things slightly more complicated, the steering wheel also switches sides of the car. My mantra while driving quickly becomes “stay left, hug right” because I need to remember to stay on the left side of the road while still hugging the middle line to make sure I’m staying relatively centered in my lane.
Other thoughts from driving in South Africa are as follows: Big right turns and small left turns. Ride the shoulder to let others pass. Tip people who help you park whether you want the help or not. Every radio station begins each hour with news. Figuring out if gas at 10.5 rands per liter is a good deal or not (It’s not). Traffic lights are called robots.
The drive east along the Garden Route from Cape Town was beautiful, easy and relaxed. The drive back is a bit more intense. We go on roads that are slightly more inland, supposed to be a little faster, and take us through incredibly varied terrain. We pass through farmland, along vineyards, up and over mountains, and in the middle of vast open areas. Some of these roads are accompanied by sheets of rain so heavy at points that even the windshield wipers at full speed cannot keep up.